When it comes to childbirth and the transition to motherhood, there's a subject that often remains hidden in the shadows: postpartum mental health.

Breaking the Stigma: It's Time to Talk About It

Sometimes, people don't talk about the hard and difficult to navigate feelings that can come after having a baby. They might feel ashamed or scared because society often expects new moms to be happy all the time. This creates a stigma, or a feeling of shame, around postpartum mental health.

But the truth is, having a baby is a big change, and it's completely normal for new moms (and moms with multiples!!)  to feel different emotions, including sadness or anxiety. 

I see this conversation already happening in a lot of circles making it known that it's okay to talk about these feelings. It's not your fault if you're experiencing mental health issues after having a baby. Read that again.

Talking about it is the first step to breaking the stigma and letting moms know they are not alone.

Here is a link to what is postpartum depression vs. baby blues.

Understanding Postpartum Mental Health Issues: More Than Just "Baby Blues."

Postpartum depression, anxiety, and other mental health disorders can affect any mom.

It's essential to recognize that I'm not a mental health professional, but from my personal experience with my own experience and of friends, here are some common signs and symptoms:





-Changes in sleeping or eating patterns

-Difficulty bonding with the baby.

These signs can vary widely among individuals, and while they might provide some insight, they are by no means exhaustive or definitive. Knowing these potential signs and symptoms can lead to early intervention and recovery. 

Still, it's always best to consult with healthcare or mental health professionals who specialize in postpartum care for a comprehensive understanding and proper support.

Here are therapists in Maine who specialize in the challenges that come with your new role as a mother.

The Importance of Seeking Professional Help

Having a baby is a big change, and it's normal for new moms to feel many different emotions. But sometimes, those feelings can get too heavy to handle alone. That's why it's good to talk to professionals who know a lot about helping new moms feel better.

Professionals, like doctors and therapists, know special ways to help moms who feel really sad, worried, or stressed after having a baby. They can talk to moms and find the best ways to make them feel happier and more like themselves again.

A good resource for moms to have in Maine Families. They are able to assist families with finding the resources they need.

Strategies for Self-Care and Healing

In addition to seeking professional help, here are some non-traditional self-care ideas:

  • Art Therapy: Letting your feelings flow onto paper through painting or drawing can be incredibly therapeutic. Local art centers often offer classes tailored for self-expression.
  • Gardening: Getting your hands dirty and nurturing plants can connect you with nature and provide a calming effect.
  • Cooking or Baking Classes: Engaging in a hands-on cooking class can be a delightful way to distract the mind and enjoy the creation process. Plus, you get to enjoy the tasty results!
  • Animal-Assisted Therapy: Spending time with animals, such as therapy dogs, has shown to reduce stress and promote relaxation. Look for local services that offer this unique form of healing.
  • Outdoor Adventure Groups: Sometimes, stepping outside your comfort zone and joining an outdoor adventure group, like hiking or kayaking, can boost confidence and provide a fresh perspective.
  • Dance and Movement Therapy: Dancing isn't just fun; it's a powerful way to express emotions. Look for classes designed to help release stress and energize the body.
  • Support Groups: Connecting with other new moms who understand what you're going through can provide invaluable support and encouragement. Check out this blog post packed with resources! 
  • Reading and Writing Groups: Sometimes, immersing oneself in literature or writing one's thoughts down in a supportive group setting can be incredibly healing.

It's not just about pampering yourself; it's about finding what resonates with you and helps you heal! 

Whether you’re planning ahead or currently struggling, there is no shame in talking about these challenges.

Let’s confront them head-on!

Dad holds newborn baby's head in hands for lifestyle newborn session in Maine.
Baby poses with big bow for lifestyle newborn session in Maine.
Mom and dad holding newborn baby for lifestyle newborn session in Maine.
Mom holding newborn baby for lifestyle newborn session in Maine.