So, you've welcomed a beautiful new baby into your life, and suddenly, your world has been turned upside down.

Amid the sleepless nights, diaper changes, and endless cuddles, finding time to nurture friendships can feel like an impossible task. Trust me, I've been there! But, I'm here to tell you that connecting with other new moms is not only possible but also essential for your well-being. In this post, I'll share some tried and tested tips to help you find quality mom friendships even when you're busy juggling your new parenting responsibilities. 

Before we get into the practical ways to find new mom friends, rest assured that it is completely natural to feel a little awkward when you intentionally seek new mom friends. It might not seem like it, but countless moms are in the same boat, searching for connections and support as they navigate their new roles. So, embrace the process and know that reaching out to other moms is a positive and empowering step in your parenting journey.

Newborn lifestyle session in Maine.
Newborn lifestyle session in Western Maine.
Newborn lifestyle session in Western Maine.
Newborn lifestyle session in Western Maine.


The easiest way to find new mom friends is through local mom groups! These groups are a fantastic way to meet new mom friends—even if you're an introvert!

Now, where can you find these groups? There’s many different ways. If you go to church, see what they have to offer! Maine Families usually have play groups as well. Check out this link to find a program near you!

And don't forget online resources! A popular option I tried before and really enjoyed was called the Peanut app! It’s dedicated to moms finding friends :) Read more here.

If you’re thinking about exploring these options but you’re worried about stepping out of your comfort zone.. no problem! Just remember, you're not alone—many new moms feel the same way. 

TIP: Ease into it by engaging in online discussions first, then gradually attend in-person meetups!


For this one, think about checking out the playground or storytime at the library. But let’s be honest - approaching other moms without feeling weird can be a bit of a challenge! I want to give you a few tips that can help. You can strike up a conversation that feels natural and enjoyable. 

First, keep it casual and friendly. Start with a compliment or a light-hearted comment about something you both can relate to, like your kids' activities or the chaos of motherhood.

For example, you might say, "Your little one is really enjoying the swings! How old are they?"

This opens up the conversation without putting too much pressure on the other person. Make sure to listen actively and ask open-ended questions that encourage them to share more about their experiences.

If you find common ground, don't be afraid to suggest exchanging contact information or planning a future playdate. You can say something like, 

"It's been so great chatting with you! Would you like to exchange numbers and maybe get our kids together for a playdate sometime?" 

Or, “Do you guys usually come here around this day/time? I know our kiddos had so much fun playing together!”

Remember, many moms are also looking for new friends, so don't be too hard on yourself if you feel a little nervous.

Just be yourself, show genuine interest, and let the conversation flow naturally.


Social media can be a fantastic tool for connecting with other new moms outside of your current friend group. 

There are so many options out there, so I pulled together my experience with the experience of my clients and friends to give you the best (groups/facebook groups) for new moms in Maine.

Personally, I started with a Facebook group called Maine New Mamas. From there, the group helped me to narrow down smaller groups for the area we were in at the time. 

Once you find the right mom groups or online communities that resonate with you, jump in by asking questions, sharing your own experiences, or even offering advice to moms. I’m honestly not much of a person to ask questions…however I will use the group to look up something I want to ask. Usually (like 9/10 times lol), the questions or concern I have is already answered. So I’ll just type it in the search bar and BAM I have found what I was looking for. That way I’m not overwhelmed with so many notifications, I can just go ahead and read what is right there!

Remember that building these connections takes time and effort, but it's truly worth it in the end. These connections not only provide a support system during challenging times but also enrich your life in countless ways.

Be patient with yourself as you embark on this journey. Embrace the process and stay open to new friendships, whether you find them in local mom groups, at child-friendly locations, or through social media.

Did I miss any of your favorite resources or groups? Let me know in the comments!

In addition to the Facebook group I mentioned above, I offer a prenatal & postnatal collective 😀 I’d love to see you in there ♥️